Eternal Faith & Many updates...

By Jack Eaves
Big update now since it's been a few weeks!

First off: 
              I've finalised the rough style of the plot for the game and developed it a bit further than the few words it was before, i've also though of a name for the game and have a title graphic!

The project will now be known as:
 "Eternal Faith"

Here is why i chose this title: 
                                             The story is centered around cultures and peace, the world of 'Eternal Faith' is governed equally by the different races and cultures - and in peace. However the 'leader' of the humans hates the idea of peace between different cultures so he creates a weapon in secret, that will solve his problems. However the protagonist of the story stumbles upon this and bands together a group of friends and allies to stop the weapon from being created and to keep peace from breaking.
So in few words, their faith in what is right drives them to stop the evilness of the world, hence Eternal Faith.

Anyway, here is the rough plot + title graphic:

I have also created a new character, who is the member of the group from the Golem race, no name or information yet, just a concept illustration for him shown below:

Lastly i have created a new Deviantart account soley for this project and can be found here:


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