Shimmering Falls Work in Progress

By Jack Eaves

This is the start to a new environment concept for the Shimmering Falls part of the game which is basiclly a long chain of waterfalls that are like giant steps, they lead from Alexandria to Sirens Cove.

I've not been very happy with my artwork recently and really want to get better, so here's my start to getting better, i'm going to go back to my old ways and take much longer on my artwork so that they aren't rushed and 'unfinished'. Hopfully this will be my best piece to date once it's finished!

So far i'm very pleased with the depth of the piece and the glow that is emitting from the water, which is crucial as the area will be called 'Shimmering Falls'. However i'm still not very pleased with parts of the piece such as the focal point deosn't seem to be very clear and i feel i might be going into detail too quick as i always do, i might start fleshing out hte rest of hte piece and come back later to add the detail.

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