Storyboard WIPS and playable demo

By Jack Eaves
Here is a link to a scripting test that i have created in Unity:
The test contains a kill-able boss, distructable environment, player controlled projectiles and some sound.

 (Below) A screnshot from the demo.

Here is how the storyboard is looking so far, i have a full rough storyboard however this is the final version in progress.
1. The girl is asleep
2. She opens her eyes / wakes up
3. She gets out of bed
4. She looks around the room and notices the door is open
5. She opens the door fully and walks out
6. The camera zooms out to form an establishing shot of the bears house / cliff with the bear standing at the edge.
7. The girl walks upto the bear.
8. She places her hand on his shoulder to let him know that she is here.

9 and onwards... the bear tells the girl about how her parents died and there will be 2D flashbacks (cmaera panning around 2D images) to tell the story so far, then there will be a intro cutscene later for when the boss appears and also a cutscene with the end of the fight with the boss and the chracters slaying it.


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