Game Level: FINISHED.
Yes! I have just finished the game level 100%. I have fully UV Mapped this with hand painted textures and modelled everything using Cinema 4D.
For the sky i have used a sky object (Objects>Scene>Sky) and found a panorama HDRI sky on deviantart (permission allowed) and applied it to the sky, then i tweaked with the black and white points in order to give this a very nice contrasty dark sky effect.
When rendering i wanted certain aspects of the images to stand out, so i chose the focal points for each piece and added a 'Depth of Field' or 'Focus' effect to the camera and adjusted the settings so that the focal point was in focus and the rest out of focus, like a digital camera. I really like the effect and am very interested to see how it would look in an animated clip.
Now its time for me to make a flattened version of the level (make it all one object so that the mesh collider reacts properly) and import all of my assets into a new Unity Prioject - which will be the start of the final playable game.
I also need to start creating the animations for each character (Walk cycle, idle etc) and then finnaly create the cut scenes.